Annotated Change Log

New in Molt 0.3.2

Nothing yet!

New in Molt 0.3.1

  • Added the molt_throw! macro.
  • Improved the API documentation for molt_ok! and molt_err!.
  • Added Exception::error_code and Exception::error_info, to streamline using exceptions.
  • Added the env() array, which contains the current environment variable settings.
    • Note: as yet, changes to the env() array are not mirrored back to the process environment.
  • Added the string command
    • string cat
    • string compare
    • string first
    • string last
    • string length
    • string map
    • string range
    • string tolower
    • string toupper
    • string trim
    • string trimleft
    • string trimright

New in Molt 0.3.0

The changes in Molt 0.3.0 break the existing API in two ways:

  • The syntax for molt_shell::repl has changed slightly.
  • The MoltResult type has changed significantly.

Keep reading for the full details.

Molt Shell: User-Definable Prompts

Thanks to Coleman McFarland, molt_shell::repl now supports programmable prompts via the tcl_prompt1 variable. See the rustdocs and the molt_shell discussion in this book for more information.

Error Stack Traces

Molt now provides error stack traces in more-or-less the same form as standard TCL. Stack traces are accessible to Rust clients, are printed by the Molt shell, and can be accessed in scripts via the catch command and the errorInfo variable in the usual TCL way.

Error Codes

Molt scripts and Rust code can now throw errors with an explicit error code, as in Standard TCL; see the throw and catch commands.

Return Protocol

Molt now supports the full return/catch protocol for building application-specific control structures in script code. The mechanism as implemented is slightly simpler than in Standard TCL, but should be sufficient for all practical purposes. See the referenced commands for specifics.

MoltResult and the Exception Struct

In order to support the above changes, the definition of the MoltResult type has changed. Instead of

fn main() {
pub type MoltResult = Result<Value, ResultCode>;

it is now

fn main() {
pub type MoltResult = Result<Value, Exception>;

where Exception is a struct containing the ResultCode and other necessary data. The ResultCode enum still exists, but has been simplified. See the rust doc for details.

New in Molt 0.2

Dictionaries and the dict command

Molt now supports TCL dictionary values. The dict command provides the following subcommands:

  • dict create
  • dict exists
  • dict keys
  • dict get
  • dict remove
  • dict set
  • dict size
  • dict unset
  • dict values

Other dict subcommands will be added over time.

Associative Arrays

Molt now includes TCL's associative array variables:

% set a(1) "Howdy"
% set a( 5
% puts [array get a]
1 Howdy 5

The Expansion Operator

Molt now supports TCL's {*} operator, which expands a single command argument into multiple arguments:

% set a {a b c}
a b c
% list 1 2 $a 3 4
1 2 {a b c} 3 4
% list 1 2 {*}$a 3 4
1 2 a b c 3 4

More info Subcommands

Molt now supports the following subcommands of the info command:

  • info args
  • info body
  • info cmdtype
  • info default
  • info exists
  • info globals (no glob-filtering as yet)
  • info locals (no glob-filtering as yet)
  • info procs

Rust API Change: Test Harness

The Molt test harness code has moved from molt_shell:test_harness to molt::test_harness, so that it can be used in the molt/tests/ integration test.

Rust API Change: Variable Access

The addition of array variables required changes to the molt::Interp struct's API for setting and retrieving variables. In particular, the molt::Interp::var, molt::Interp::set_var, and molt::Interp::set_and_return methods now take the variable name as a &Value rather than a &str; this simplifies client code, and means that most commands implemented in Rust that work with variables don't need to care whether the variable in question is a scalar or an array element.

Rust API Change: Command Definition

Defining Molt commands in Rust has been simplified.

First, the Command trait has been removed. It was intended to provide a way to attach context data to a command; but it was not very good for mutable data, and had no way to share data among related commands (a common pattern).

Second, the interpreter's context cache has been improved. Multiple commands can share a context ID (and hence access to the shared context); and the cached data will be dropped automatically when the last such command is removed from the interpreter.

Third, there is now only one command function signature:

fn my_command(interp: &mut Interp, context_id: ContextID, argv: &[Value]) -> MoltResult {

Commands that don't use a cached context should be defined as follows:

fn my_command(interp: &mut Interp, _: ContextID, argv: &[Value]) -> MoltResult {