dict -- Dictionary manipulation

Syntax: dict subcommand ?arg ...?

This command manipulates TCL dictionaries. A dictionary is a Molt value containing a hash map from keys to values. Keys are maintained in order of initial insertion.

dict createCreates a dictionary
dict existsIs there a value with these keys?
dict getGets a value from the dictionary
dict keysGets the keys from the dictionary
dict removeRemoves keys from the dictionary
dict setSets a value in a dictionary
dict unsetUnsets a value in a dictionary
dict sizeThe number of elements in the dictionary
dict valuesGets the values from the dictionary

TCL Liens

  • Not all of the standard TCL dict subcommands are implemented at this time.
  • dict keys and dict values do not support filtering using glob or regex matches at this time. The plan is to support glob and regex matching as an optional feature.
  • dict info is not supported; it is intended for tuning the standard TCL hash table implementation. Molt relies on std::collections::HashMap.

dict create

Syntax: dict create ?key value ...?

Creates a dictionary given any number of key/value pairs.

% set dict [dict create a 1 b 2]
a 1 b 2
% dict get $dict a

dict exists

Syntax: dict exists dictionary key ?key ...?

Returns 1 if the key (or the path of keys through nested dictionaries) is found in the given dictionary value, and 0 otherwise. It returns 1 exactly when dict get will succeed for the same arguments. It does not throw errors on invalid dictionary values, but simply returns 0.

Looks up the key in the dictionary and returns its value. It's an error if the key is not present in the dictionary. If multiple keys are provided, the command looks up values through nested dictionaries. If no keys are provided, the dictionary itself is returned.

% dict exists {a 1 b 2} b
% dict exists {a {x 1 y2} b {p 3 q 4}} b p
% dict exists {a 1 b 2} c
% dict exists not-a-dict a

dict get

Syntax: dict get dictionary ?key ...?

Looks up the key in the dictionary and returns its value. It's an error if the key is not present in the dictionary. If multiple keys are provided, the command looks up values through nested dictionaries. If no keys are provided, the dictionary itself is returned.

% dict get {a 1 b 2} b
% dict get {a {x 1 y2} b {p 3 q 4}} b p

dict keys

Syntax: dict keys dictionary

Returns a list of the keys in the dictionary, in the order of initial insertion.

% dict keys {a 1 b 2}
a b

dict remove

Syntax: dict remove dictionary ?key ...?

Removes each of the keys from the dictionary, returning the modified dictionary. The keys need not be present in the original dictionary value. If no keys are given, returns the dictionary unchanged.

% dict remove {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4} b c
a 1 d 4

dict set

Syntax: dict set dictVarName key ?key ...? value

Given the name of a variable containing a dictionary, sets the value of the given key in the dictionary. If multiple keys are given, the command indexes down the path of keys and sets the value in the nested dictionary. The variable is created if it does not exist, and the nested dictionaries are also created as needed. Returns the modified dictionary, which is also saved back into the variable.

For example,

% dict set var a 1
a 1
% dict set var b 2
a 1 b 2
% dict set var c x 3
a 1 b 2 c {x 3}
% dict set var c y z 4
a 1 b 2 c {x 3 y {z 4}}

dict size

Syntax: dict size dictionary

Gets the number of entries in the dictionary.

% set dict [dict create a 1 b 2 c 3]
a 1 b 2 c 3
% dict size $dict

dict unset

Syntax: dict unset dictVarName ?key ...?

Given the name of a variable containing a dictionary, removes the value at the end of the path of keys through any number of nested dictionaries. The last key need not exist in the inmost dictionary, but it is an error if any of the other dictionaries in the path are unknown. Returns the modified dictionary, which is also saved back into the variable.

For example,

% set var {a 1 b {x 2 z 3} c 4}
a 1 b {x 2 y 3} c 4
% dict unset c        ;# Remove "c" from the outermost dictionary
a 1 b {x 2 y 3}
% dict unset b y      ;# Remove "y" from an inner dictionary "b"
a 1 b {x 2}
% dict unset var c    ;# "c" is already not there
a 1 b {x 2}
% dict unset var b y  ;# "y" is already not in "b"
a 1 b {x 2}
% dict unset var c z  ;# Inner dictionary "c" is not present.
key "c" is not known in dictionary

dict values

Syntax: dict values dictionary

Returns a list of the values in the dictionary, in the order of initial insertion of their keys.

% dict values {a 1 b 2}
1 2