The MoltResult Type

MoltResult is Molt's standard Result<T,E> type; it is defined as

fn main() {
pub type MoltResult = Result<Value, Exception>;

The Value type is described in the previous section; by default, many Molt methods and functions return Value on success.

The Exception struct is used for all exceptional returns, including not only errors but also procedure returns, loop breaks and continues, and application-specific result codes defined as part of application-specific control structures.

The heart of the Exception struct is the ResultCode, which indicates the kind of exception return. It is defined as follows:

fn main() {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ResultCode {
  • ResultCode::Okay is used internally.

  • ResultCode::Error indicates that an error has been thrown; the exception's value() is the error message. Use the exception's error_code() and error_info() methods to access the error code and stack trace.

  • ResultCode::Return, which indicates that the Molt code has called the return command; the value is the returned value. Molt procedures, defined using the proc command, will catch this and return value as the value of the procedure call. See the documentation for the return and catch commands for information on a variety of advanced things that can be done using this result code.

  • ResultCode::Break and ResultCode::Continue are returned by the break and continue commands and control loop execution in the usual way.

  • ResultCode::Other can be returned by the return command, and is used when defining application-specific control structures in script code.

Of these, client Rust code will usually only deal with ResultCode::Error and ResultCode::Return. For example,

fn main() {
use molt::types::*;
use molt::Interp;

let mut interp = Interp::new();

let input = "set a 1";

match interp.eval(input) {
   Ok(val) => {
       // Computed a Value
       println!("Value: {}", val);
   Err(exception) => {
       if exception.is_error() {
           // Got an error; print it out.
           println!("Error: {}", exception.value());
       } else {
           // It's a Return.
           println!("Value: {}", exception.value());

Result Macros

Application-specific Rust code will usually only use Ok(value) and ResultCode::Error. Since these two cases pop up so often, Molt provides several macros to make them easier: molt_ok!, molt_err!, and molt_throw!.

molt_ok! takes one or more arguments and converts them into an Ok(Value).

fn main() {
// Returns the empty result.
return molt_ok!();

// Returns its argument as a Value (if Molt knows how to convert it)
return molt_ok!(5);

// A plain Value is OK to.
return molt_ok!(Value::from(5));

// Returns a formatted string as a Value using a Rust `format!` string.
return molt_ok!("The answer is {}.", x);

molt_err! works just the same way, but returns Err(Exception) with ResultCode::Error.

// Return a simple error message
return molt_err!("error message");

// Return a formatted error message
if x > 5 {
    return molt_err!("value is out of range: {}", x);

molt_throw! is like molt_err!, but allows the caller to set an explicit error code. (By default, Molt errors have an error code of NONE.) Error codes can be retrieved from the Exception object in Rust code and via the catch command in scripts.

// Throw a simple error
return molt_throw!("MYCODE", "error message");

// Throw a formatted error message
if x > 5 {
    return molt_throw!("MYCODE", "value is out of range: {}", x);