array -- Query and manipulate array variables

Syntax: array subcommand ?arg ...?

This command queries and manipulates array variables.

array existsIs the string the name of an array variable?
array getA dictionary of the array's elements by name
array namesA list of the array's indices
array setMerges a dictionary of elements into the array
array sizeThe number of elements in the array
array unsetUnsets an array variable

TCL Liens

  • Does not support filtering using glob or regex matches at this time. The plan is to support glob and regex matching as a configuration option at build time.
  • Will never support the array iteration commands array startsearch, array anymore, array donesearch, array nextelement, because they are unnecessary and rarely used. The normal idiom for iterating over an array is a foreach over array names.
  • Will never support array statistics, as Rust's std::collections::HashMap doesn't provide a way to gather them.

array exists

Syntax: array exists arrayName

Returns 1 if arrayName names an array variable, and 0 otherwise.

array get

Syntax: array get arrayName

Returns a flat list of the keys and values in the named array. The key/value pairs appear in unsorted order. If there is no array variable with the given name, returns the empty list.

TCL Liens: does not support filtering the list using glob and regex matches.

array names

Syntax: array names arrayName

Returns an unsorted list of the indices of the named array variable. If there is no array variable with the given name, returns the empty list.

TCL Liens: does not support filtering the list using glob and regex matches.

array set

Syntax: array set arrayName list

Merges a flat list of keys and values into the array, creating the array variable if necessary. The list must have an even number of elements. It's an error if the variable exists but has a scalar value, or if arrayName names an array element.

array size

Syntax: array size arrayName

Returns the number of elements in the named array. If there is no array variable with the given name, returns "0".

array unset

Syntax: array unset arrayName ?index?

Unsets the array element in arrayName with the given index. If index is not given, unsets the entire array.


  • array unset my_array is equivalent to unset my_array, but only works on array variables.
  • array unset my_array my_index is equivalent to unset my_array(my_index)

The real value of array unset depends on pattern matching on the index argument, which is not yet available.

TCL Liens: does not support glob matching on the optional argument.