Molt Command Reference

Molt implements the following commands. See the reference for each command to see any differences from Standard TCL.

appendAppends values to a list
arrayQuery and manipulate array variables
assert_eqEquality assertion
breakBreak loop execution
catchCatch exceptions
continueContinue with next iteration
dictDictionary manipulation
errorThrows an error
exitExit the application
exprEvaluate algebraic expressions
for"For" loop
foreach"For each" loop
globalBring global into scope
incrIncrement integer
infoInterpreter introspection
joinJoin list elements into a string
lindexIndex into a list
listCreate a list
llengthLength of a list
procProcedure definition
putsPrint a string
renameRename a command
returnReturn a value
setSet a variable's value
sourceEvaluate a script file
stringString manipulation
throwThrows an exception
timeTime script execution
unsetClear a variable
while"While" loop